Saturday, September 08, 2007

Searching for a job…God be with you….(1)

It might be an exhausted topic, but the personal experience is much more different from the heard one….
Four years of constant training so I want a job ((JOB)) not training, why don't you believe in my abilities? Why are you ignoring my B.Sc?
My C.V was crying so asked him about the reason, he answered in a painful tone: I exerted all the possible efforts but all of them were in vain….
Training, courses, blab blab bla, what shall I do else?


Hah… wait wait, my mobile is ringing, strange number…….
Wooooow it’s the interview alert… but am I ready??
Let's try, what are we gonna lose? I think nothing…
Wearing my splendid garment.. washing my face( I rarely do that :D )
Memorizing all what had been written in the newspapers, heading to the street, riding the first seen taxi…
Finally I've reached my destination, not exactly on time, but almost I'm not late

Sure the first question was: why didn't you come one the exact time??
I: I'm sorry, its my first time in this area
Interviewer: but I knew that you came here before.
I (with a bloody face): ya, I came with my friends, so it’s the first time to me ALONE ..

Lots and lots of questions, interruptions, comments, and interpositions, Ended with the most common clause ever said in such a situation: oky, thanks a lot and we will notify you….

Three days passed with a very nervous passion, I was filled with, hope and depression, believing and despair….

In the forth day, I wake up on the ringing phone, asking for MS Salma…YA YA ...she's me, I'm this Salma whom you are calling.
So: you passed the interview and gonna have your final interview
I ( I felt like I'm going to join the CIA or FBI ): oky sir. And when will it be?
The phone caller: today, if you don't mind?
I ( sooooo happy, but little pretending wouldn't be silly ;D): mmm, today??? Aaa, oky no problem…
Caller: so, we will wait for you on 1:45
I: okyy

Soo.. wait for my series
To be continued


Ayman Elsherbiny أيمن الشربيني said...

ya gamed ya saloma ;), mabrouk mokaddaman.

huda gamal said...

مبرووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووك يا سلووووووووووومه
ويارب عقبال ما تحققى كل امالك ..
انتى تستاهلى كل خير يا جميله

قلمي الحر said...

مبروك ياسمسم
ربنا معاك يارب
ومعنا كلنا..اصل الظروف صعبة على الاخر
رمضان كريم ياسمسم
ونفضل أصحاب دايما ..اللهم بلغنا رمضان

gazzar50 said...

وما الحياة إلا انترفيو...(على رأى يوسف بك وهبى ) ربنا يوفقك

خيرالدين said...

مبروك وبالتوفيق ان شاء الله

saloma said...

allah ybarek feek ya aymaaan

thnnx thnnx,, w 3o2bal mat7a2a2y kol 2amalek yarab ya doda;D

f3ln el zorof sa3ba gdn,, bas adena bn3afer

saloma said...

w 2ela interview,, da inter w e7na nwarek elly 3omrak mashofta :D

thnx alot, and thnx also for passing

santakarim said...

ummm, don't wanna be silly, but what's the point of writnig it in english ??!!!

saloma said...

in fact u r not silly at all,
i might have been extremly happy, or wanted to examin my self in the language as a seed of an english editor, but i see that the results were not promising

Dina Samaha said...

مبرووووك يا باشا
مستنين العزومة بقى

فاهمة انتى طبعا

santakarim said...

i think it's promissing but u need to fix some stuff, am i allowed to mention some notes?

saloma said...

الله يبارك فيكى، بس مش عارفة ليه يابنتى دايما طمعانة فيا، انا عمرى حرمتك من حاجة p:

sure, u r welcome
and i'll be grateful if i knew ur notes said...

الف مبروك وبالتوفيق ان شاء الله ومستنين نعرف وصلتي لحد فين
ربنا يوفقك
وكل سنة وانتي طيبة

ومعلش عايز اقولك متستعجليش ان شاء الله ربنا هيكرمك طالما انتي مش ساكتة وحاطة ايدك على خدك زي ناس كتير
وقريب ان شاء الله نسمع سمع خير

santakarim said...

umm, however al7kaya baib2a shaklha tantet shweah, and it's not what i meant wallahy :-) but we are talking to a proffisonal now, and i think some notes might be helpful, 7ta as2ly sara we hoda :-D let's see...

1."exhausted topic" i think you meant "exhausting topic" ? right?
الموضع مرهق

2. "strange number" ترجمة حرفية ل "رقم غريب"
i think it's better to say "unknown number" or "anonymous number"

3. (she's me, I'm this Salma whom you are calling.) i think it's also an exact translation for arabic slang, i mean, it's one of those that when u read them u know that the writer is not originally an english speaker
اللى هو فكر بالعربى وبعدين ترجم

finally there are some few mistakes - i think man alsor3a bas-like "wake" should be "woke", "what shall i do else" to be "what else shall i do" we keda

again , i think it's very promissing, but u need to work a lot on it till u find urself thinkin of it in english, not in arabic then u translate, good luck :-) go go girl :-)

saloma said...

ألام وأمال:
الله يبارك فييك، و وصلت لحد فين دى عايزة دعوات، لكن فعلا الحمد لله اللى بيسعى ربنا بيكون جنبه بس محتاجين صبر أكتر...
و بجد أحلى حاجة اننا نسمع سمع خير، :))

saloma said...

da ana la tle3t professional wala bta3 ;D

Bas bgad thnx alot for ur help and advice
bas i meant b exhausting tapic(elly kanet exhausted) eno mawdoo3 mostanzaf ya3ny kotel ba7san, ya3ny have been discussed alot...

3'er kda el passion bta3et the first serious interview bawazet el donia 7'ales...
bas tab3an,, thnx again for ur time w ur notes

ياسر مدني ...دينامو الإخوان said...

أدعوك وأدعو كل الزوار إنهم يلحقوا فوازير رمضان وكل اللي فاتوا فزوره ممكن يلحق يحلها عشان كل فزوره ممكن تلحأها خلال عشر أيام وإن فزورهأول يوم رمضان حنأفل باب الحل بعد يومين

وبفكركم بردوا إن الجوايز جامده ..وإن الوازير عباره عن خلق وصحابي

mo7amaad said...

الف مبروك وبالتوفيق ان شاء الله
ويارب تحققي كل اللي نفسك فيه

saloma said...

ياسر مدنى:
ماشى، هدخل و أحاول

الله يبارك فييك، و يارب يوفقك و يكرمك ان شاء الله

santakarim said...

ummm, yab2a keda anty m3aky 7a2 fi exhausted topic , ana aly mal2thash :-)

Lens Geek said...

"In the forth day, I wake up on the ringing phone, asking for MS Salma…YA YA ...she's me, I'm this Salma whom you are ..... etc."

I wonder who was that guy who was asking for Ms. Salma ??? :D

saloma said...

mmm,, walad kda, i dont know him awe , called Ahmed Abd Allah,, do u know him?