Monday, December 18, 2006

جامع البهرة

-يا ماما والله ده جامع جمييل جدا بجد استاذ ،، رائع ، انا أول ما دخلته أصلا ذهلت، الرخام أبيض ناصع بيعكس العواميد اللى فى الجامع،
بجد يا ماما لازم أوديكى جامع البهرة
- يا سلمى بهرة إيه اللى أروحها ، على أخر الزمن أروح جامع للبهرة
- و ماله يا أمى ما هو الجامع ده كان اسمه جامع الحاكم بأمر الله و بعدين طايفة البهرة كانت بتصلى فيه على طول ، فاتسمى جامع البهرة ، و السادات رممهولهم و بأه حاجه وهم.
اصلا لما روحته أول مرة مع دينا وهدى ماصدقناش اللى شايفينو، واسع اوىىى و جميل جدا ( عن نفسى عجبنى أوى)
كمان إسألى محمد وحماده أخو دينا ، هما كمان اتوهموا لما شافوه

- طيب خلاص والله شوفى يوم كده و نبقى نروحو
- كمان ده قريب جدا مننا ، يعنى خطوة بقيتى هناك.،، بس بأه مش لما أقولك نروح تعودى تقوليلى عندى طبيخ وغسيل والحاجات العجيبة دى
- يابنت عيب أنا مامتك
- أيوة أيوة خرجينا من الموضوع الأساسى،، بجد لازم أواديهولك، تحفة بجد،، هيعجبك..

(((( بعد حوالى 6 أو 7 شهور كده))

n أنا زهقانة أوى يا سلمى نفسى أشوف الشمس ،، البيت هنا برد اوى و عايزة أخرج و أشوف شمس
n قشطة عليكى يا ماما بكرة إن شاء الله أوديكى جامع البهرة.
n خلاص ماشى نروح بكرة الصبح كده إن شاء الله.

(( بكرة الصبح))
- صباح الخير يا كوكو
- صباح الخير يا سوسو((اللى هى سلمى يعنى))( أصل ماما واخدة عليا بزيادة حبتين..).
- هعملك الفطار و نروح ،، اوعى تكسلينى
- لا لا إزاى نفطر و نصلى الضهر و نروح
طبعا فطرنا و صلينا الضهر و عملنا الاكل و صلينا العصر،، بس فى الأخر دخلنا نلبس عشان ننزل
- ده انتى هتشوفى دلوقتى حاجه مش ممكن ،، ازاى يا ماما يكون عندنا الجوامع دى و مانعرفهاش
- يابنتى انا كنت ساكنه قريب بس عمرى ما روحتو
- يالا اشكرينى طيبن هنعرفكو حتتكوا،، ماا علينا

- اللللللللللللللللللللللللله اى ده جميييل جدا ،، الله لأ بجد جمييل اوى
- مش قولتلك يا أمى هيعجبك جدا(( أنا أصلا خلاص إن شاء الله هعمل فيه كتب كتابى)
- لا لا واااسع اوىى
- اي ده يا ماما شايفه الحمام و هو واقف على الرخام،،أنا أول مرة أشوف فيه حمام واقف عادى كده و مش خايف من الناس
- شكله حلو أوى ،، بس مش أحلى من الحمام اللى بيطير حوالين الكعبة و اللى قدام المسجد النبوى
- ماشى يا ماما ،، تعالى أما أصورك طيب ،، عشان تقولى لصحابك أنا روحت جامع البهرة
- لا بس بجد يا سلمى حلو أوى ،، بس أه صحيح مش ده جامع أما نصلى ركعتين تحيه للمسجد
- اه صح بهرة بهرة ،، أهو جامع
- تقبل الله يا أخت
- منا و منكم
- يالا يا سلمى لحسن الرخام ساقع و الدنيا برد
- اوك،، بس لازم اوديكى جامع السلطان حسن و الرفااعى
- اه والله انا نفسى اروحهم اوى
- خلاص يا ماما وعد بعد 8 أو 9 شهور كده ممكن نروحه
- ماشى يا سيتتى
- طب بقولك ايه ممكن تصورينى مع الحمام
- طيب هاتى الكاميرا
(( المهم جه عيل رخم ،، وهو ماسك الشبشب للحمام و طيره،، أى نعم اتصورت بس منغير حمام

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The gray point

It's very nice from u to make the strange visitor feel like a member of the family, but it's really to hard to the member of the family to consider him self a strange visitor.
He might do that to escape from a certain responsibility, or to avoid talking in specified matters which form a barbed case.
In both of these two points he chooses the negative solution, or in a better word the most negative solution.
But we may be mistaken in accusing him. May be he did that to keep the family happy,, or to keep her away from his refusal, but they did need his opinion his point of view as a member as a part of this unit.
Sometimes we live in a conflict because of this part's silence, but I am sure that if this member was really caring, he must be living in the same conflict, struggling to make this family happy and satisfied, and fighting to make his self relay to others needs.
But the disaster lies in being stubborn, obi stained, or opinionated, here is the real problem, coz in this case we won't find an answer to any faced obstacle, and the silence collided with the longing to the answer, but in vain, no answer no solution no replay, each side keep his opinion in himself, avoiding and clash, and satisfied with this gray area where both of them standing in
.im sure that half of the reader didn't understand my words, but I am sure that each one will face a similar situation, when he wait an opinion from a trusted person, and get shocked from his silence, then make sure that this silence hides millions of thoughts, feelings and opinions.

Friday, November 24, 2006


No one in the globe – I bet- carry this great feeling towards a person, excuse me but I really do feel a sweeping passion towards my life's friend,
I cannot remember a single matter I told it to her & I didn’t feel comfort, I actually feel like some one is carrying the burden with me, no she take all the weight on her back instead of me.
Not only that, she shares with me happiness and sadness, she had never been annoyed from hearing my worthless matters
I love to hear her, I love her trust in me, and I love her love to me
Her emerge gives life to me, her words makes me sway in happiness
Now I appreciated having no sisters in order not to let any body share her in my sympathy
Please dear pal, lets co-oberate ,lets put hand in hand, let's say no to the time's attempts to separate us.
Let's place our relationship in a unique position, which cannot be affected by any circumstance.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

ها نحن قبلنا أن نبقى العمر عشاقا
تنير طريقنا الأشواق
أحبتت طيفك فتراءى لى
من بين الجدران أطيافاً
ترى لمن؟
لا أدرى ،و لكن أرى طيفك بينهم
يلمع ينير ينادى
يا حبيبتى هيا لنمضى معاً
هيا لنحفر قصتنا
هيا لنخلد سيرتنا
لنبقى معاً، لنتحدى الزمن
نتقلب، ننقلب
و لكن يبقى بحر الحب خالدا
أمواجا تنكسر و عالماً يولد
صخورا تذوب و أخرى تحتضر
و عالماً تحتهم ينمو مستتر
و عالمنا فوقه
يزداد نوره ثم يندثر،
يندثر النور، ليعود
فيقوى و يثور ليشتد ليمتد
و ينير الدهرو يرتد
لقلوبنا فينيرهاو يسرها،،
وتلك حياتنا
نحن معاً و معنا الزمن
تارة يصدنا
،، وأخرى يمدنا
بنور الحياة
تارةُ يغلبنا و أخرى لا
فلا تخف من دهر ،، طالما هناك حياة
فالدهر قوة و بقوتنا قهرنا

Monday, November 20, 2006


El soltan hassan,,it is one of the most magnificent mosques in cairo,beside it u can find El-Refaee mosque, both of them are forming a great historical panorama attracting people allover the world.
SO if you have ever been there don't hesitate visiting this oreintal shrine.....
it is located in el sayda Aisha zone,behind Sala Den citadel.
Special thank to the talented photogragher who capture this one: Mohammed Samaha

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


أيا نجمى إن العين أبصرت لتراك
وها الخريف ربيعا حين ألقاك
أستشعر نسيما يداعب قلبى
أسأله من أنت ، يقول هواك
فى يدى بردُ و لمتنى نداء
يناديك يستجديك وارحماك
أين دفء لمساتك
فدائى جفاؤك وما لدائى دواء سواك
أرانى وحيد بين الجموع
أكذلك انت بين الرفاق؟
أتسائل ابك ما بى؟
أبين راحتى دواك؟
أتشتاق نفسك الى لقيا
النفس التى الى طيفك تشتاق؟
هل العشق دربا اخترته
فوجدت به دارك ودنياك؟
و تظل نفسى حائرة
ترجو اشارة من شفتاك
فأجدك تأتى و تضمنى فى صدرِ
لا لبشرِ بل ملاك
فأذوب عشقا فيك عمرى
ولا أسأل الدنيا إلا رضاك


what will u do,when u realize that all ur world around u is false,and covered with a faked peel.
what can u do,if u choose a matter u dont know if it is right or wrong,,does it carry good consequenses or not.
what coused this confusion,is this return to the lake in belief,,or groth in load ,,little faith,,or pilling burdens up
it is a faked world,,it is a hard reality,,i cannot stand,i cannot.
what will happened,,what can i do to endure this tough matters
who will help me,,friends just listen take from ur heavy burden
and others increas this weight ,,what can i do???
i dont know.....................
if u know the answer ,plz dont sent me coz im sure that no one can understand, no one can sent me the accurate answer
,,coz no one but allah have the answer,so dont panic and may be the best in the rest!!!!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Sometimes we feel strangled, upset, saaaaad.
Sometimes we want to get red of our reality, our grief, but we couldn't.
Short happiness, long sadness, when will life turn?!
I stand a while in front of my self asking her when will u settle, when will u stay on one side?!
Why those who promised to forgive all our faults, forget their promises!?
Why those who love us so much, suddenly in one minute turn their love into hatred, did they mean it? Have they ever put their selves in our place? I bet that they have,
I admit that I siege my self in a bad kind of characters but I am not happy with this manners, can I change, I wish I could exchange, but which character I will run with, is it easy to find this one?

Thursday, October 26, 2006

message in a bottle

Dear Mr. mysterious:
Hi, how are you? Really I don’t know you, I even not sure that your hands will receive my message, but all what I am sure from are this words, which I found myself writing it, my feelings revolt over me, forcing my hands to express what the heart hides.

Mr mysterious, there is an angle yes I am sure of that, he is not an ordinary guy, I love him hysterically, his voice come out from his mouth like bird's chanting, when I am with him I am over the moon, when I touch his hands I touch the sky and catch its stars above, his eyes filled with passion, I really cannot resist his charming nature.

I just want to stay with him, his hands locked in mine, challenging together this world, destroying all barriers. But I don’t know why that happened, why I have chosen this angelical man whom I am ready to change my inner self just to grant him a moment of happiness.

Do you know, I spent my whole life insisting on loving no body but my husband, I mean that I'll love him just after marriage. But I discovered that I have an enormous sympathy towards him, before even engagement, but I am flying from this love, I am blessed with this emotion that I carry for him, the lovely thing in this matter is his love, he also loves me madly, I can feel that from his tone from his mysterious marvelous eyes.

Eventually, no man can take my sweetheart's place, or come instead of him; he is my first, last and only love in my life. Thanks a lot for reading my words, hope you also have such a real love sooner or later.
Sea lover