Monday, November 19, 2007
Hawaii in eyes
Woow, it has ever come to my mind to write what others call "memos", but I'm really eager to give concrete from this magnificent area to you all.
lieing down, stretching on the sand of Hawaii's beach, drinking fresh cocktail with ice cubes, staring at the sunny sky with a tanned-skin face, wearing my sun glasses and sporty suit with a tucked up sleeves , relaxing while a bunch of slow songs played by my MP3 just for me.
A group of my friends arranged for an unforgettable trip, Shanghai, Thailand, Barcelona…ext were nominated, party of 5 friends, having lots of money, looking for a luxurious adventurous hangout... oh sorry trip, I think all these options are acceptable :D
Australia was in, but due to jet lag suffering we ignored this option, Once, a friend of us, also a member in our insane group, come up with a new idea.
"Girls, have you ever heard about this Paradise, Heaven on earth" she screamed.
And she added "Hawaaaaaaaaaaaii"
"OH, M'Goooood" we all yelled once.
An hour after, the luggage were packed, tickets were booked,, and counting-down had started, luckily, very few people were thinking the same, and we found lots of free seats in the plane.
An unoccupied seat behind the window, made my trip awesome, magnificent, even before my arrival.
Sleeping mania never leaves me, which disabled me from enjoyed the wonderful sight of the geographical relief below, but the real show is yet to be shown.
Seven days, eight nights, too few, we shall never miss any single moment, diving, snorkeling, wave-surfing, fishing, crafting sandy castles, hanging out at night, eating yummy tropical fruits and drinking pineapple juice….. ext.
"Cool mates make the best moments" that was crystal clear in our snaps, we shoot extraordinary shots, which made us laugh hysterically, as we were actually acting so weird.
In heaven for seven days, we had a lot of fun, enjoyed our life time, tied our relation, strengthened our friendship… please gurls don't ever miss such opportunities, and never give up these enjoyable journeys.
Lets follows up our sires, Casablanca, Caribbean islands, Nis and Hawaii…. So what about mountaineering in Albs!!!! :))))
Friday, November 09, 2007
المنطقة الرمادية
منطقة رمادية أقف عليها الآن، وصلت إلى نقطة اللا إحساس، لا أقصد شئ مما قد يخيل إليك، و لكن صدقنى اشعر تجاهك باللا إحساس هذا، تلك الكلمة التى لم تكن ضمن مفردات القاموس عندى، تلك الكلمة التى لم أعرف انها بالفعل توجد ، لم أصل إليها إلا الآن ، لا تتهمنى بالجفاء او القسوة، و لا أطلب منك أن تسامحنى على عدم الشعور بشئ ، اصدق نفسى ولا انتظر منك تعقيبا، لن انصاع إلى رغباتك إذا كنت تطلب منى مراجعة نفسى، فلا يوجد لدى مخزون شعورى يمكننى إما أن التعاطف مع نفسى أو أشتد عليها...
ما جعلنى أصل إلى هذا، اننى بالأمس كنت أمشعر معك بكل شئ، فرح، سعادة، حزن، غضب، كره، ولن أطيل، كل شئ، ولكن الآن انت لى كأى انسان رأيته مصادفة فى حياتى، اتذكرك لكن لا يجتاحنى شعور بعينه...و لمزيد من الصدق، احساس جميل بالحرية، رغم اننى مازلت احتفظ بحالتى اللا شعورية، فلنهادن انفسنا، و نعترف ، بأننا وصلنا إلى نهاية المطاف، لا أدرى ربما يتملكك نفس الشعور الآن و لا تملك الشجاعة الكافية لمصارحة نفسك، هذا أيضا لا يمثل لى تلك الأهمية، نَفسك ملكك، و انا لا أريد ان امتلكها، قد تكون أقل من احتياجاتى ، ربما ، لكنها ليست أكثر، فلدى رصيد من الطمع البشرى المعتاد، يسمح لى بتملك ماهو أكثر من احتياجاتى، ولكن ليس ماهو أقل.. ولن أطلب ان تعذرنى، فأنها سامحت نفسى منذ زمن طويل، و راضية عنها كل الرضاء....
قد يكون خلو كلماتى من أى احساس او شعور، هو اصدق و اقوى دليل على ما أقول. ففيما مضى، كان كل حرف كفيل بكتابة اجمل الحكايات و اكثر ابيات الشعر براعة فى النظم وقوة فى التأثير، ولكن اليوم صار الحرف ما هو إلا حرفا مجموعة من الرموز و الكلمة ما إلا أداة لتأدية وظيفة ما.
لا أقول ذلك شوقا لعهد مضى أو أسفا على حالة تنتابنى، و لكن هذا شرحا لوضع قائم، و لست هنا لأحللها، او أشرح وجهة نظرى فيها، و لكنى اسجلها لاأكثر..
ربما تعتقد ان هذه الرسالة وحدها تنطق بأنك مازلت فى مخيلتى، لكن بالفعل انت كنت عابر سبيل فى حياتى لن أدعى أو أصدق من يدعى بأننا ننسى كل عابر سبيل فى حياتنا، و لا أطلب من ذاكرتى نسيانك، قلبى و عواطفى تكفلت و نسيت مشاعرها السابقة التى بالكاد اتذكر وجودها يوما ما ، و هذا كفيل لدى، بل هذا ما كنت أرجو....
Friday, November 02, 2007
Happy Birthday :D
"A passed year", events occurred, ups and downs where in, sadness and depression then hope and success. Moments of joy while months of frustration.
But honestly, you were a sincere friend beside, when I wanted to talk, you were the best listener, when I cried you dried my tears, when I had moments of silence; you were the best in enduring me.
You embraced me while I was scared, and calmed me down while being nervous.
I witness your birth, as we grown up together, friends we were, and friends we will be forever.
A "Home" you meant to me, a "hug" I escape into, a "party" when I feel all alone, a "hang out" when I need refreshment, a "calendar" where I record every single moment happens during the day.
I told you all my secrets, you promised to keep, and an honest true-friend you proved that u r, and since u were the most perfect secret-keeper, I'm appreciated to have you on my top friends list.
Do you remember this night when I was crying, I can't forget any from what I had told you, you kept silence, but you let others share and advise, a way that already worked.
And what a magnificent day, when I was so happy and over the moon, you were with me, you also shared this memory, so how couldn't I call you a friend???
You witnessed me as an un-skilled poet, comic writer, and amateur photographer.
One year passed, friends commented, others advised. Quotes pleased me and others were disappointing, but any way, I enjoy your friendship tell the moment AS Any thing I wanted to be I already is, just in you :D
So Happy New blogging-year my dear BLOOOOOOG, and welcome for a new year of blogging , interactivity and sharing,
Eventually, welcome every body and every comment on my blog, it really makes a difference :D
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